A girl with cerebral palsy gets a special wheelchair

Esther has cerebral palsy and had been unable to walk since birth. She is a 13-year-old girl that stays with her grandparents. Esther was always uncomfortable, she could sit straight to eat, and she could not move enough because the old wheelchair was small and rigid. The cerebral palsy wheelchair will help her commute to her classes and physiotherapy sessions. She is a brave, bold girl and deserves all support to live in comfort and to learn.

Here’s what her parents have to say:

“I’m so glad to inform you that the Cerebral Palsy has been delivered and because we have some money left, we also got her some diapers that will last her for some months, we got her some clothes and some food materials as well.”

“On behalf of my wife, I [appreciate] all the entire Project Nightfall (NIGHTFAM) Organization for coming through for her(Esther) at this time, we are eternally grateful for identifying with us.”

Because of you, Nightfam, we have been able to reach children (and people) with disabilities. In our small way, we help them make life just a bit more comfortable so they can have access to some of their needs. We are truly thankful to you!

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