A Health Center in Uganda will have a supply of medicine

The Hamda Community Health Center was originally built as a free clinic for Smile Africa Children’s Foundation, a school and orphanage in Uganda. However, after reaching out to the community, the founder Robert Katende and the staff realized there was no treatment facilities or hospitals in the area. So the clinic opened up for more people instead and became the community’s first health center.

With the pandemic, the number of patients have increased. Robert sent his application to the Project Nightfall Organization hoping to win the $1000 and buy additional supply of medicines for their healthcare facility.

Here’s what Robert has to say:

“We can reach a lot of people with that $1000, even if it’s only $1, it can still make a change and treat someone…”

“We are so happy to hear from you what a good news. [We] shall be so happy to share with you pictures and videos of what your donation has done for our health center.”

Nightfam, the story of Robert and his efforts for the community is truly notable. We are so proud to be a part of this in a small way. And of course, this is also on you, Nightfam! Thank you!

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An advocate for women from Kosovo is starting her elderly women’s club

Driven by the love for her own mother, Vjollca was determined to empower the elderly women in her community and bring back their confidence and self-worth. Women became excluded from society in her city in Kosovo and the trauma of war was no help. She is going to use the $1000 to repair a basement that was going to be the headquarters for her women’s club. They will come together exercising, having conversations, and having therapy. Soon, this place will become a haven for elderly and middle-aged women healing from the dark memories of the past and finding a new meaning while it’s not too late.

Here’s what Vjollca has to say:

“I can’t hide my joy [and] emotion of yesterday’s conversation, especially knowing that your support can be a good starting point of building my project.”

It is amazing how many we have reached so far and the different causes from different countries we have supported. We would have not done it without you, Nightfam! Thank you for your part in this!

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An Orphanage In Uganda Is Going To Have A Roof For Their Shelter

When Northern Uganda was hit by attacks, some kind-hearted people could not just leave the displaced women and children behind. The Obanga Ber Widows and Orphans Africa is a non-profit organization created to accommodate and support widows and orphans displaced by the wars.

The organization has been raising funds for the construction of their shelter and decided to submit an entry to our Weekly 1000 and we are so glad that we found their application! Now they can complete a new facility that can house even more people in need of their support.

Here’s what their co-founder has to say:

“We are grateful for it because it will help us facilitate, finish [the shelter].

We are writing to express our deepest thanks for your recent donation to Obanga Ber Widows & Orphans Africa. Generous gifts from donors like you provide the financial and moral support needed to continue our mission.”

Truth is, during wars and conflicts, women and children are often left most vulnerable and they need all the protection and support to face a brand new future.

With your help, these children and widows in a community in Uganda can stay in a place that they can call home where they are given an opportunity to be educated and be given another chance at life.

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A man who got into an accident just had his spine surgery paid off

A well-meaning friend reached out to us because his pal got into a car accident. Ipyana Mbale from Malawi sent an application saying that his friend, Brighton, already had his spine operated but the doctor’s fees were not fully paid yet. Part of the medical bill was settled because other friends gathered together and raised some money.

Still recovering from the operation and despite his hardship, Brighton only requested us to pay his surgeon who had been good to him, nothing more. Inspired by his friends, we can’t help but take part.

Here’s what they have to say:

Ipyana: “May God really bless the Project Nightfall for the the great work you have done. We, brother James and I, very thankful for this may God really bless you.”

Brighton: “Thank you very much [to] the entire organization, Project Nightfall Philanthropy, for selecting me I don’t take it for granted, May God continue blessing you. This is a great relief to me on my medical bill.”

We wish Brighton continues to recover and that his worries are lessened now that his neurosurgeon is about to get paid. We are proud that he has big-hearted friends who look after his welfare and even went an extra mile to reach us – just like our ever supportive Nightfam who are there through thick and thin!

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2 Young Brothers Are Getting Therapy

The right tools and support during childhood can really set people up for incredible success in their lives. And for our first Weekly 1000, we’re giving two beautiful boys the exact tools that they need! Joaquin and Cecilio are 4 and 6 years old, and suffer from autism and intellectual disability.

Here’s what their mom had to say:

“We genuinely appreciate it and yes, video recordings with their therapies will be regularly sent. With Project Nightfall’s help, they can get started with their therapies and my dream of seeing them be independent, great and kind individuals are now possible. You are truly changing lives!”

With our help these boys will be started off on 3 to 4 months of behavioral, speech and occupational therapy each, which will shape their lives forever!

Millions of children with disabilities struggle to fit into their environments. By getting them the right therapy, we are humbled to help these two boys grow and transform! Thank you Nightfam, remember that by watching our videos you help us save lives.

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